AKA "measure 173 times, cut 16 or so".
Also AKA "life is frustrating".
So, the lift then.
And how we got there, somewhat sped up... Quite a long one this.
Idea #1
Simple platform using the sectorum floor things, open on 3 sides, lift mechanism on the external wall. Doesn't work because the dimensions of the space are simply too small to accommodate and I couldn't line up the ground level platform with the high level.
Idea #2
Much larger sectorum platform positioned much further back against the... entry?... wall - necessitating a gantry across to the high level. Similar but slightly better alignment problems as with #1, and the gantry would just be kind of floating or awkwardly pinned to a wall. Felt ugly, which usually means wrong in my experience.
Idea #3 - Idea #18
Frustration sets in
Ok, took a day completely off the thing to reset myself. Came back and decided to just make a lot of measurements and mock stuff up. Made cardboard sections in various sizes, scratched lines onto the piece (visible below) for all kinds of combinations and alignments. Tried to dry fit the intended lift mechanism (fromt he fragdrill) in lots of random places just to see if it sparked something.
I don't even know
Idea #something
Ok, back up, maybe just...
Also nope.
At some point I stopped taking pics, but I did find an answer. Took me quite a lot of back and forth, checking and rechecking before I finally cut the plastic. And that was the clarity needed- I had to cut the lower platform back quite a bit more than I thought. And I needed to build a lift shaft.
And a Lift Cage
Once again I've landed on the option that requires the most work - which obviously slows he whole project down, but probably not as much as the analysis paralysis incurred in thinking through all of the simple but wrong possibilities. Lesson learnt.
The lift shaft and/or the lift cage would require some sort of barrier to keep the passengers reasonably safe - reasonably in the presence of some kind of strange reactor thing anyway. I considered aluminium car mesh but I've not enough of it to hand, but a thought occurred to me.
Quite a tedious thought to execute...
But hopefully, it reflects something of the source (or will with the right PJ)...
So here we are; current state.
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