Thursday 20 June 2019

Junction Two Done(ish), Anomaly Underway

Got stalled on this one for a little, trying to think of interesting ways to "tell the story" for the broken up flooring, before I kinda gave up and moved on - an important lesson I've picked up from this project is better to just make any decision and move on than sit in analysis paralysis.

On the other hand, I do feel I got (or am getting) something pretty cool in this:

electricity arcs

It's not quite right yet - hence the ish - it needs sharper angles maybe or maybe I need to go to a smaller gauge yet, but I'm happy with the idea.

I figured these would be delicate and potentially ant replacing or moving, so naturally they're magnetised. Here's the build process (lots of shields from the bots box involved):

shields become coils hole drilled in magnet in coil hole drilled partially through magnet on the column complete

The rest of it, is fairly detail soft - partly because being a X-junction there's very limited wallspace, partly because of needing to move on, partly because of not wanting to distract from the cool bit. So a few detail shots:

more looping cables broken control some damage
J2 done
J2 basically done.

Anomaly at last!

Normally, I would owe myself two straight corridors next (and I do have a pretty cool idea I want to get to on that) but I've already mentioned the anomaly waaaaaay too long ago, and I really owe it to any hypothetical readers (I'd like to hope there's a human reading this) not to dangle phantom carrots - and I'm aware the crashed ship is another, but hey I'm an ideas guy not a finisher :)

So this is a rough sketch of the plan, which is by far the largest single piece I'll have done:

anomaly sketch

And this is where we are so far (not very far!):

anomaly pieces

Obviously the concept is anchored around Games Workshop's purple sun of shyish xereus - used skull face hidden! - which instantly gave me event horizon / reactor core type vibes. Combine that with a desire to build up height in the board and the classic FPS trope of climbing energy towers of some kind or another and I hope the direction is clear.

Half Life inspiration Doom inspiration


  1. I'm reading this, unfortunately I am more of a meat popsicle....
    I'm also more of a lurker than anything else so may never comment again. Very much enjoying this though, both the techniques and design philosophy behind it :-)

  2. Thank you human (or Turing-positive AI)! It does my self-doubt good to know signals are being received.
