I mean reallllly close to done. Really close.
Vault door done. Took me a while to work out a plausible mechanism for it until I came across this video segment. Then the gangway problem took a while to work out (simply because of the physical constraints) until I envisaged something curving out of the floor. Past that it's just fiddly details e.g. covered the diamond tread in the panels with some tediously cut styrene sheet. A trio of magnetised bases to the left and right of the gangway and top left of the entrance for the usual flex reasons.
Canal entrance completed. If I'm feeling cute might throw a dangling chain or something in there, IDK yet.
Here's why we aren't done yet (sorry, bad photo). Lower ladder, see? Those damned curved rails. Sigh. Rethink.
Now as annoying as that was, and with the drain/delay on hobby time work has been, as always with these things it's created opportunity because now it's october and the local thrift store has these things...
Deconstructed that's a trio of flexi "fibre optic" type things. I have literally no idea what I'm going to do with them yet, but there's gotta be something cool to do right?
Dang that looks good